April 21, 2010

Operation Home Cultivation Event Hosted by Classic Remodeling

Classic Remodeling has aligned itself with the non-profit group, Operation Home, founded in 1997, whose mission is to help people remain in their homes by increasing safety and accessibility. Classic has made the long term commitment to provide skilled labor to complete critical home repairs such as roof replacements, wheelchair ramps, floor reparations, and other repairs necessary to prevent homelessness.

As part of the Operation Home Contractors Committee, our goal is to determine the scope of work at homes in need and help triage the projects. By organizing the backlog of Operation Home aid requests, other individuals and/or companies can adopt cases through volunteer work or by providing financial assistance.

Recently, Classic Remodeling hosted a cultivation event for Operation Home at the Country Club of Charleston. Our goal was to initiate interest in Operation Home with other individuals and companies in the Lowcountry. Attendees heard brief remarks from Charleston City Councilman Paul Thurmond and representatives of Operation Home.

Willingness to embrace Operation Home’s mission was evident with over 60 people in attendance. Our combined efforts will go far to provide secure, affordable and weatherized homes for our neighbors in need.

The Charleston Mercury and Charleston Home Magazine were both in attendance and provided excellent media coverage post event. Included are a few images of attendees from the Out and About section of Charleston Mercury.

For more information or to learn how to get involved with Operation Home, click here.